My rant about gaming
So... why DON'T I wanna play CoD with you?

It's a little complicated? I guess just typing it out in a big website page will be better than me stumbling through an explanation on discord. So I'll just share my videogame thoughts here.
Let's get the easy bit out of the way, I just plain don't like competitive multiplayer. It simply stresses me out playing against other people, and besides, I hate toxicity in games. However, this doesn't mean I just want relaxing games without real danger or challenge. I CRAVE PAIN!!! ...Just not in terms of combat difficulty.
Confused? That's ok, I can explain! I LOVE EXPLORATION-BASED SURVIVAL GAMES! Hey... hey, don't call me lame! I promise, they can be a ton of fun! I don't get too much enjoyment out of just killing a big bad monster and then moving on to the next area and conquering it through murder. That can still be fun, but I tend to like it more if it's thrown into an engaging gameplay loop that isn't soleley focused around combat. It's why I prefer Project Zomboid to Doom, CDDA to CoD, Minecraft to Dark Souls.. yeah, you get the picture.